About Volterra

Volterra provides LinkedIn and social selling training to B2B sales teams, financial advisors, wealth managers, and mortgage specialists. Training participants learn how to build and maintain a personal brand, convey thought leadership and expertise, identify and nurture prospects, and generate more referrals.

Volterra has delivered customized curriculum and content curation for enterprise sales teams and client-facing relationship managers in financial services from firms such as the Globe and Mail, BMO Nesbitt Burns, RDA Insurance, Moore McLean Insurance, National Bank, CIBC, and the Rotman School of Management.

Volterra provides LinkedIn and social selling training to B2B sales teams, financial advisors, wealth managers, and mortgage specialists. Training participants learn how to build and maintain a personal brand, convey thought leadership and expertise, identify and nurture prospects, and generate more referrals.

Volterra has delivered customized curriculum and content curation for enterprise sales teams and client-facing relationship managers in financial services from firms such as the Globe and Mail, BMO Nesbitt Burns, RDA Insurance, Moore McLean Insurance, National Bank, CIBC, and the Rotman School of Management.

Key Insights

Founded 2008
Strength 11 to 50
Cost Per Hour $151 - $200
Min. Project Amount Less than $5000

Services & Focus



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1714 Danforth Avenue, Toronto, ON, Canada, Ontario, Toronto, Ontario, Canada