About Tech Support Leads

Call Center Data Provider

Discover top-tier B2B and B2C leads at Tech Support Leads, your go-to source for premium data, databases, and contacts. Our high-quality leads enhance email marketing, IVR blasting, SMS marketing, outbound calling, and bulk WhatsApp campaigns.


Optimize your outreach with our meticulously verified databases, ensuring maximum engagement and conversion rates. Whether targeting businesses or consumers, our data guarantees accuracy and relevance, providing comprehensive contact information to drive successful marketing initiatives and boost ROI.


Being the Top Data Vendor in India, We prioritize reliable and targeted lead generation. Our services are crafted to support you...Read more

Discover top-tier B2B and B2C leads at Tech Support Leads, your go-to source for premium data, databases, and contacts. Our high-quality leads enhance email marketing, IVR blasting, SMS marketing, outbound calling, and bulk WhatsApp campaigns.


Optimize your outreach with our meticulously verified databases, ensuring maximum engagement and conversion rates. Whether targeting businesses or consumers, our data guarantees accuracy and relevance, providing comprehensive contact information to drive successful marketing initiatives and boost ROI.


Being the Top Data Vendor in India, We prioritize reliable and targeted lead generation. Our services are crafted to support your marketing efforts, equipping you with tools to connect with potential customers effectively. Experience the difference with our cutting-edge solutions and elevate your marketing campaigns.


Key Insights

Founded 2006
Strength 2 to 10
Cost Per Hour Up to $25
Min. Project Amount Less than $5000

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H No- 14, BL- 7, Kankinara, Bhatpara, India, West Bengal, Bhatpara, West Bengal, India
