About Galactic Fed

Transform your goals into growth

Galactic Fed's entire focus is driving you more revenue and pipeline. We drill into the metrics that affect your ROI and chase them relentlessly. Expect transparent, unbiased reporting that is centered on revenue growth. This contrasts with most agencies, which focus on vanity metrics like "engagements,” click-through-rate, and whatever flavor-of-the-month data point that makes them look good.

Galactic Fed was started by mathematicians and growth scientists out of Silicon Valley who are alumni of Stanford, Google, P&G, Toptal, and CERN. We use data and software to grow you in ways that others cannot. Most agencies are started by low-level freelancers or big brand execs who haven't run a winning marketing campaign in decades.

Galactic Fed has helped 600+ companies grow, from early tech startups to Fortune 50 companies. Our wide industry experience, data, and creative process give us an unfair advantage over other agencies, who use your dollars to run experiments for the very first time.

Galactic Fed uses advanced systems and technologies to get work done at lightning speed, which gets you faster results and lowers your costs. Meanwhile, most agencies still build everything slowly, by hand, which takes forever and jacks up your bills.

Galactic Fed has every client overseen by veteran marketers, so you can expect expert guidance every step of the way. Other agencies charm you with a smooth-talking salesperson who promises the moon, then delegates your work to entry-level college grads. We give it to you straight. If you’re better off with a freelancer than an agency, or if a particular channel is a bad idea, we’ll say so. We go for long-term trust over short-term cash.

Most agencies use the same generic approach for each client - like microwaving every meal, from steak to ice cream. Galactic Fed reads every shred of paper about your customers and goals, then builds marketing strategies more custom than a Harvard admissions essay, backed by 600+ clients worth of data and experience. Getting 10x growth means making you one in a million, not one of a million.

Galactic Fed is an undisputed thought leader in the growth marketing world, with R&D teams and software engineers researching and developing the next big tactics used by high-growth companies. Major publications like the Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg, and CNBC consult Galactic Fed for advice on trends and strategies in the marketing world.

Galactic Fed offers world-class results at affordable rates. We set reasonable prices so you can invest more in getting a return on your marketing.

Galactic Fed's entire focus is driving you more revenue and pipeline. We drill into the metrics that affect your ROI and chase them relentlessly. Expect transparent, unbiased reporting that is centered on revenue growth. This contrasts with most agencies, which focus on vanity metrics like "engagements,” click-through-rate, and whatever flavor-of-the-month data point that makes them look good.

Galactic Fed was started by mathematicians and growth scientists out of Silicon Valley who are alumni of Stanford, Google, P&G, Toptal, and CERN. We use data and software to grow you in ways that others cannot. Most agencies are started by low-level freelancers or big brand execs who haven't run a winning marketing campaign in decades.

Galactic Fed has helped 600+ companies grow, from early tech startups to Fortune 50 companies. Our wide industry experience, data, and creative process give us an unfair advantage over other agencies, who use your dollars to run experiments for the very first time.

Galactic Fed uses advanced systems and technologies to get work done at lightning speed, which gets you faster results and lowers your costs. Meanwhile, most agencies still build everything slowly, by hand, which takes forever and jacks up your bills.

Galactic Fed has every client overseen by veteran marketers, so you can expect expert guidance every step of the way. Other agencies charm you with a smooth-talking salesperson who promises the moon, then delegates your work to entry-level college grads. We give it to you straight. If you’re better off with a freelancer than an agency, or if a particular channel is a bad idea, we’ll say so. We go for long-term trust over short-term cash.

Most agencies use the same generic approach for each client - like microwaving every meal, from steak to ice cream. Galactic Fed reads every shred of paper about your customers and goals, then builds marketing strategies more custom than a Harvard admissions essay, backed by 600+ clients worth of data and experience. Getting 10x growth means making you one in a million, not one of a million.

Galactic Fed is an undisputed thought leader in the growth marketing world, with R&D teams and software engineers researching and developing the next big tactics used by high-growth companies. Major publications like the Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg, and CNBC consult Galactic Fed for advice on trends and strategies in the marketing world.

Galactic Fed offers world-class results at affordable rates. We set reasonable prices so you can invest more in getting a return on your marketing.

Key Insights

Founded 2018
Strength 51 to 250
Cost Per Hour Not Disclosed
Min. Project Amount $5001 - $10000

Services & Focus

Industry Focus

advertising & marketing (30%)
other industries (14%)
consumer products & services (10%)
business services (4%)
financial & payments (4%)
health care & life sciences (4%)
hospitality & leisure (4%)
information technology (4%)
telecommunications (4%)
real estate (3%)
retail (3%)
non-profit (3%)
transportation & logistics (2%)
art, entertainment & music (2%)
education (2%)
legal & compliance (2%)
manufacturing (2%)
media (2%)
automotive (1%)

Client Focus

Client with $10M $1B in revenue (67%)
Client with < $10M in revenue (32%)
Client with > $1B in revenue (1%)


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1440 W. Taylor St, Chicago, Illinois, USA

Key clients
