DataVizz Reviews
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DataVizz is a tech consulting, analytics services and solutions company. Our abilities range from Enterprise Cloud Migration,Serverless, Aws lambda, Data Visualization, Data Management into Advanced analytics, Bigdata and Machine Learning. Our uniqueness is in bringing the right combination of technology and enterprise analytics to make white box solutions that are normally transitioned to our customers at the end of the engagement at a sustainable method. We do so cost effectively using a global implementation version minding our clients' present engineering and data resources
DataVizz is a tech consulting, analytics services and solutions company. Our abilities range from Enterprise Cloud Migration,Serverless, Aws lambda, Data Visualization, Data Management into Advanced analytics, Bigdata and Machine Learning. Our uniqueness is in bringing the right combination of technology and enterprise analytics to make white box solutions that are normally transitioned to our customers at the end of the engagement at a sustainable method. We do so cost effectively using a global implementation version minding our clients' present engineering and data resources
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